Monday 23 November 2020

Delivery Dream #dreamdiary98

It’s a beautiful sunny day and I’m expecting a computer to be delivered to my house. A white Luton van turns up and parks up outside the house opposite. The delivery driver gets out and unloads a fridge freezer, a pre-assembled white bedside chest of drawers and a headboard. He places these in the middle of the road which essentially blocks himself in as he’s put these behind the vehicle as we live in a close. He then rings the bell and points at what he thinks I’ve ordered. ‘Those aren’t mine’ I say. ‘I’ve ordered a computer. He shrugs and returns to his vehicle. Meanwhile, my nosey neighbour whose house he’s parked outside has come out to see what’s going on. She sees the lovely sunny weather and heads back into the house and returns with her eldest sun who is carrying two sun loungers. They then assemble these loungers in front of the delivery vehicle; which is now essentially blocked on both sides. I refuse to move the items that he’s placed in the middle of the road; and I get on the phone to the delivery company to try and find out where my computer is. 

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