Wednesday 11 November 2020

TV Trouble

 Our kitchen TV has given up the ghost. It’s always been a bit fiddly as it runs off a house aerial behind the kitchen appliances and up into the attic. We often pick it up and move it around on the counter to try and get reception. I’ve also been up in the attic to try and adjust the aerial outside but this hasn’t had much of an effect. Now the cable’s finally snapped, and we’ve been watching shows streamed on our tablets. My friend came round to repair the aerial cable by stripping the wire and attaching a new socket but it didn’t make much of a difference. I felt that the easiest solution would be to buy a streaming stick rather than a new indoor aerial which would be about the same price but would take up more space in the kitchen. This also gives us the choice to watch what we want rather than watch what is on.

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