Tuesday 3 November 2020

Georgie Porgie

This secret guy is tall, dark, and handsome, and speaks in mysterious ways too. He’s quite soft spoken and works for the government but he’s not allowed to say which department. We’ve always suspected the security services. He’s certainly got the manner for a spook; he takes an interest in everything that you do but reveals little about himself apart from his past. He might not even by telling us his real name. He’s also a snappy dresser he’s prepared to show off a cloak and hat by day, always with impeccably ironed trousers and polished shoes. When it comes to the evening he’s not afraid to climb into a tux whatever the occasion. He may even wear a wristwatch that he talks into when he thinks that no-one’s watching. He’s also well-groomed and fragranced to impress the ladies. But he’s also quite punctual and reliable; and is always at the end of a phone or a quick reply to a text.

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