Saturday 31 October 2020

Keeping Tabs on You

In the olden days, most people used a table to keep track of their raw data which could easily be used to convert into a graph for fast comparisons. Nowadays we do this on an electronic screen called a tablet which isn’t dissimilar to the Greeks of old apart from our devices can store information on the same device and can show other screens too; including entertainment. And because of advancements in our network abilities, a phenomenal amount of data can be shared and called up onto a screen at will. We even have giant banks just to store and backup this data. But with all this tracking, is it necessary to keep track of each other? We’ve always had people in authority to do this for us and act accordingly, but it seems that a new philosophy is rising which suggests that people need to track their activities too. This creates further work for the authorities who must police the trackers. Just how far does keeping tabs go? Isn’t anyone entitled to a little bit of privacy anymore? 

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