Friday 16 October 2020

Toothbrush Time

My electric toothbrush has finally given up the ghost. I can’t get a complete cycle from an overnight charge anymore. While I can still use it as a stick, it’s somehow not the point. It’s also gone beyond its manufacturer’s guarantee and its extended guarantee. I could invest in a fancy new one which has an extra timer for £10, but it’s got the same battery life. There’s no guarantee that the same thing will happen. So I’ve gone back to the same model but in a different colour. It’s a shame that you can’t change these batteries as they’re built in. They also tell you not to dispose of these batteries in the regular trash; but they don’t tell you how to get these things out. If we could do that then we’d probably be able to change the battery and they wouldn’t sell any new toothbrushes. And of course, no-one’s going to go to the tip just to chuck the thing in the electrical waste skip. But at least I get my quarterly reminder now telling me when to change my brush head. The funny thing is that a week later, the same thing has happened to my boss.

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