Wednesday 14 October 2020

What does sour look like?

 Sour is a sign of deterioration. It’s when something’s past its prime. You might be out in the middle of the countryside and come across some delicious blackberries that look the perfect colour. But when you pick one and put it on your tongue and receive a vinegary taste; then you know that the blackberry has waited too long to be picked. If it’s too much; it may even cause you to wrinkle your face in disgust. This Some people savour the taste and go on to eat sour sweets and drink sour beer. Some associate it with lemons; but I use this to make my food sweeter when I’m eating out. Yet with all this mention of taste; I never seem to pick it up when I order sweet ‘n sour chicken. I suppose it’s a personal preference. But don’t scrunch up your face too much as people might think that you’re reacting to something else.

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