Saturday 24 October 2020

Grandpa's Story

 People aren’t always interested in stories. They’re more likely to tell stories about other people than their own; especially if it’s about the olden days and if you struggle to recall them yourself. But this can affect the way in which they’re remembered. And it’s important to entertain all audiences if you can. The last thing you want seared into their minds is an image of you coughing up your guts into a bin. So it’s important to tell stories to be remembered; even if they’re a little far-fetched; to hide those negative moments. That way they’ll remember being taken out to parks and sitting in quiet amusement as you doze off in tents when you’re supposed to be babysitting. And if you can’t tell stories then you need to keep your listeners hooked in some way, even if it’s being a little bit silly. The easiest method to do this is to make new memories.

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