Monday 19 October 2020

A Prayer for Owen Meany

A Prayer For Owen MeanyA Prayer For Owen Meany by John Irving
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

When I first started reading this book, I thought that Irving was just so full of himself. He certainly blows his own trumpet when he introduces his book. As it’s the first title that I’ve read; I’ve no idea what to expect. I got quite a bit bored in the first chapter as Wheelwright attempted to trace his family history and felt that there was going to be too much digression in this tale. I’m not sure about having Owen’s voice in capitals all the time though. It depicts a spoiled little brat screaming all the time; and Meany certainly gets his way in his youth as he commands the adults around him. Perhaps it should have been in italics; though the printer may have had other ideas. That said, it’s a very novel story with plenty of interesting events and a plot that’ll keep you wanting to find out more until the truth is discovered. It’s certainly a book that you’ll want to re-read with the plot in mind.

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