Saturday 3 October 2020

Should you Insure it?

One of the things that they’re big about in our company is insurance. We’re told that we make around 40% of income from these sales. Usually you pay about a third or quarter of the price of the product for your policy and it lasts for a couple of years. If it breaks within that time; especially if you’re accident prone; you’re quids in as you’ve already paid for a new one. If not; the policy ends and the banker laughs at you as they get to keep the cash for a service that wasn’t used. It’s all about convincing the customer that there’s a risk involved. It’s a lot of money to fork out for higher-priced goods; but then again how likely is an accident going to happen? If it’s just one or two adults in a household that carefully use the item and store it away safely each time; you’re probably better off without. But a herd of kids charging through the living room every day could make it a worthwhile investment.

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