Sunday 11 October 2020

Cake Call

There’s nothing quite like the smell of something freshly baked

But if I had the choice of what they make then I really hope that it’s cake.

For while the smell of fresh buns gets me up and high and dry

It’s that little bit of sugar that I need when the day is passing me by.

Whether it’s chocolate or it’s coconut I really do not mind

Or even a slice of fruit is considered a very good find.

I realise that lately it’s been difficult to find flour

But even a pre-made one is welcomed within the hour.

I don’t want to rush you and I’ll settle for a mess

So long as it stands on its own and I know you’ve done your best.

But if I have to share a slice then I won’t be happy with you

So think twice before you serve the slice and make it enough for two.

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