Wednesday 21 October 2020

Giving it up for Free

Occasionally we give away free things at work. It’s usually part of a deal when you buy another product. If it’s an expensive item then the customer is usually aware of the offer but the till is not. We then must trawl through the internet to find out the item code only to discover that we haven’t got any and we have to order them in or tell the customer that they’re currently not available. If it’s a cheap item then the till is aware of it but the customer isn’t which means that we have loads of them left over long after the promotion has ended. This just sits there until we’re told to write them off and put them on the counter to give away with any similar purchase or to passing children. Lately, there’s a bundle of these that no-one has been authorised to deal with; they’ve also been given a value so that they can’t be processed on the side. With a major lack of attention to the stockroom in recent years, I wonder how much longer this stock will sit there taking up space. 

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