Thursday 1 October 2020

Rage in a Cage

Our goods are delivered to us in the latest Italian-designed shopping trolleys. They’re death traps that are guaranteed to give you a good grazing every ten cages and you really need to wear gloves to handle them. They’re supposed to be quite balanced but it depends what you put in them and how heavy the items are. A foldable baseplate is supposed to slot into the side panels to secure them; but often the doors are too battered for the slots to fit in; leaving gaping holes for stock to fall through and collapsible sides if they’re left to be pulled at a particular angle. The front doors are secured by a catch at the top, but this only works if the stable doors are fitted correctly halfway down. If they’re not then the doors just might swing open again. And once you’ve brought the thing inside and emptied it; you need to fold it up to give yourself more room. This is where the baseplate unbalances the whole thing; and if it’s stiff it could slip underneath you as all the weight transfers to the back. Not fun. 

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