Saturday 17 October 2020

Bags of Bags

It’s now the law to charge for a plastic bag. Companies aren’t supposed to profit from these sales; they’re supposed to donate the dosh to charity. But some people still haven’t got used to being prepared for this yet. It’s no problem; we’re happy to help them out; even though some still expect us to hand them over for free. Then there’s the rigmarole of asking them to find 20p. We usually keep a small pot of coins behind the counter to give out change, but if they want to pay with a note or a card they must go through a manned till. This creates further problems if they want to pay contactless as our machines don’t have it fitted! Someone actually walked out to use the ATM to get cash last week just so they could buy a bag; even though the item he bought was a perfectly carriable square box. You have to wonder where these people come from sometimes.

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