Saturday 12 December 2020

Tetley Bitter at the Bull, Rugby

As our pub crawl continued, things became hazy to recall. Records show that we did enter this pub and successfully recorded a Cask Marque visit, but we had nothing to show for it other than a quick half of Tetley bitter. It doesn’t sound as if we were inspired enough to stay. I may remember black timber beams, old wooden tables and a black painted bar but I could be merging my memories with that of pubs gone past. It looks like a traditional town pub that has been modernised to compete with its competitors to offer services that you’d expect of a chain pub. The square main entrance could suggest that it used to be a coaching inn with a recent extension on the left to accommodate more drinkers; but it’s hard to say for sure as there’s no historical records. There’s plenty of places to allow you to perch up and meet up with friends to watch live sports; but there’s no atmosphere to invite you to stay.


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