Friday 11 December 2020

It's All About You

 The time has come to be upgraded! My current laptop turns ten and it’s running at a snail’s pace. It takes absolutely ages from booting up to the point where you’re ready to complete a task. Furthermore, it’s rapidly running out of disk space. Every time I want to save some edited photos, I find myself putting older albums onto an external hard drive to make room. Notification messages started to appear stating that errors had been detected but the computer wasn’t telling what they were. The whole thing needed moving onto a new system before I lost everything. But what to do? I didn’t want a quick fix; I needed something lasting but practical to see me through the next decade at least. A powerful laptop would be good, but now that I have a tablet would I still need one. A Mac would be nice but I was worried that some of my old programs wouldn’t work. But what about a traditional PC? I could customise it the way I want. Then I found a PC that’s built into a screen rather than a traditional tower. Problem solved.

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