Saturday 5 December 2020

Spooks: The Greater Good

This was an interesting film with plenty of action sequences and it was great to see the characters out and about more often than sitting behind their desks. It was great to see some guest appearances from the series cast, even if they were slowly being killed off one by one. But once again we see the section head at all odds with the world with everything to play for to uncover a conspiracy that we see little evidence for. Mace was his usual boisterous self and as usual I was quite surprised that he didn’t have anything to do with the conspiracy. I spent a lot of time trying to work out whether the Holloway character was covered in the series, and it would have made a lot more sense if an introductory sequence was filmed. In the end the plot suits the title, but it doesn’t necessarily justify Harry’s rogue actions to conduct the investigation. And of course, there’s still the classics Spooks finish which still doesn’t define the legacy of Harry Pearce.

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