Tuesday 22 December 2020

Timing it Right

I hate waiting. The last thing that you want to do is to sit around and wait; especially in these troubled times. But it could be bad news for the barber; especially if they’re on their own. He might want a break; and you need him to be fresh and attentive so that you’ll be confident that they’ll do a good job. But if he’s a good barber and he runs his own business then he’ll be happy enough that some money’s going into the till. If someone’s already in the chair, at least that gives you a bit of breathing space to relax and prepare yourself after your walk. You can watch the TV or dive into the magazine for ideas for small talk; though I usually each end up discussing holidays. But if there’s a lot of people you could be talking about the same old thing as it’s been discussed countless times before. I usually sit quiet if I’m in the chair as it usually means that I’ve been waiting for ages anyway. 


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