Thursday 24 December 2020

Knot that Way!

I often get knots in my hair. I have no idea how they’re formed. I usually notice them when my haircut is overdue. They’re quite painful to remove. I usually go through my hair with a comb after a shower to try and defuse them; and end up ripping through them. There’s always some that I miss and they’re quite time-consuming for the barber to remove. I don’t understand why he can’t cut them out. I guess it’ll leave me with a great big bald patch or something. There’s three theories as to how these knots are formed; the first is usually nature’s way of telling me that a haircut is overdue. My former barber used to believe that I’m a restless sleeper and my head movements cause my hair to fall into disarray. My current barber has put it down to a lot of hat wear; particularly in winter. It hasn’t happened for a while lately. Maybe there’s less hair to be knotted. Worrying.

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