Monday 28 December 2020

Bar Mat Hat

I have a hat made of bar mats. It’s probably one of those things that I’ve kept longer than I should, and it should have ended up in the bin ages ago. But it’s genius! It’s basically a cardboard hospital bedpan/sick bowl that’s had bar mats artfully glued to it. I got mine at Dudley Winter Ales Fayre where a group of scouts had a production line set up to make them for charity and they could not get them out fast enough. Over the past few years the mats have come loose. I’ve tried to repair it by adding Pritt Stick to the beer mats but the mats still fall off. I probably need the PVC kind with a brush that you buy by the jug for a primary school. I’ve often thought of adding string and bottlecaps to it and a plastic pint as a centrepiece to enter in the hat day at the Great British Beer Festival; but it’s one of those occasions that I haven’t had the opportunity to attend in recent years. 


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