Tuesday 15 December 2020

Living a Piece of History

Wouldn’t it be nice to live in somewhere different? Rather than being on an estate with four walls and a garden, you could live somewhere historic. Factories, cowsheds and anything with an interesting exterior are being torn open from inside and converted into residential properties. Buildings that once served the many are now being restricted to the few. It’s great to give the space a new lease of life; but shouldn’t this development be for the benefit of everyone? Often, the facilities inside won’t cater for everyday modern needs and alterations could be difficult. Residents will also have the disadvantage of people gawking at their building in awe and intruding on their personal space. My colleague once lived in a converted chapel and often faced being awaken on Sunday to be asked what time morning services started. Needles to say, she was not amused. It’s far better to lease these properties to a business who at least are more flexible of letting people inside.

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