Sunday 20 December 2020

The Cracks are Starting to Show...

There’s no-one technically handed in the art of home repair that resides in our house any more. Occasionally I look at things and think ‘has that always been like that?’ or ‘how long has that been there?’ I wonder if there’s a real catastrophe brewing. The other day I moved my bed and found a new hole in the wall. I can only guess that the mice made it when they plagued our house. My brother’s a builder and every time he comes round I wonder whether I should mention it or get him to do an annual appraisal of the house. This means that we’ll essentially be giving him more unpaid work to do when all he wants is to come round and relax. It’s either that or try and find an honest tradesman to invite into our home without charging too much of a fortune for something that should really not be worried about or it should be left alone. I should really make it a new year’s resolution to do something about it. At least I’m not the owner.

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