Saturday 19 December 2020

Keeping the Burglars at Bay

There’s an option on the smart speaker to create random sounds. It can create household noises such as leaving the TV on, kitchen activity with music in the background, and a dog barking. You can play them constantly or have them come on for random periods of time. But if a burglar looks through the window and doesn’t spot the dog, you have to wonder if he’s actually going to be deterred. He may also wonder how long you spend cooking and cleaning. And it’s no good playing kitchen sounds if you leave your smart speaker on in the bedroom. In fact it’s more likely that someone will break in just to see what’s going on out of curiosity. I’m thinking that it’d probably be easier to just leave the radio on; though even that would just infuriate someone who’s trying to deliver a package. This feature might best be saved for the next generation of smart speakers who can see their surroundings, though that in itself sounds a bit scary…

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