Sunday 13 December 2020

A Jumping Journey #nuclearmermaid 16

Jenny slid and pulled along herself across the wet and dankly tiles. Right now, she could really use a set of wheels like how the biped got her there. She used the wall to balance herself upright and fit through the portal into the space beyond. Inside this room there were tons of clothes just like the bipeds wore. Could she pass herself off as one of them? If so, she could blend in to get herself back to the ocean; however far away that might be. The trouble was that she’d had so little experience with bipeds that she had no idea how these clothes were supposed to be worn. The clothes that she’d seen worn were very dull but the clothes here were light and colourful. Some were too small so she tossed them into a pile; bearing in mind that perhaps they could be used to cover different parts of her.

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