Wednesday 9 December 2020

Sporty College #dreamdiary99

I’m walking through the grounds of my old college. As I pass one of the classroom complexes, the footpath diverts around a tennis court opposite the building. It all looks modern, shiny and new and I start to wonder what was there before. Perhaps it was just open land. In any case, would it be ideally placed so close to the classrooms? The noise generated would certainly disturb lessons. Perhaps students are forbidden from playing during study time. I turn the corner and walk down a paved hill. Approaching me are three students in green basketball apparel. The centre student throws the basketball he is carrying and I’m ready to catch it but he leaps up and snatches it himself. Once we’ve passed, he throws the ball again and it hits me on the back of the head. I fall and books fall out of my backpack while his mates stand there smirking.

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