Wednesday 2 December 2020

Branscombe Vale Branoc at the Rupert Brooke, Rugby

This was an odd location for a pub, or at least it was for the way that we approached it. It seemed that we left the main high street by talking through a service road towards the back of the shops which brought us out onto a large open car park. The pub was opposite. Inside was a few tables overlooking a large timbered roof and a flight of steps led us down to the bar opposite a long line of open-plan tables. The beer was functional but the atmosphere was uninspiring and it felt like we’d wandered into a barn that had been converted into a clubhouse. We wondered what the building had been before and whether it was some type of showroom. Apparently it used to host an indoor market which would explain its location. We didn’t feel the bard’s presence or recognise any of his works, so on we wandered.

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