Monday 14 December 2020

The Naked Sun

The Naked Sun (Robot, #2)The Naked Sun by Isaac Asimov
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This futuristic novel deals with so many issues that we’re facing at the present time. We learn about Solaria’s customs through the protagonist which is convenient for the reader but also promotes ignorance between these different worlds. The setting certainly makes for an interesting whodunnit! There’s also interesting debates about robotic philosophy which doesn’t require too much detail and Asimov illustrates them perfectly. I also love how he addresses isolation and the fact that Solarians are used to viewing people rather than seeing them. There are some important morals to be echoed here; and it’s great to see that most characters learn and reflect upon their experiences upon the story’s outcome; though I’m not entirely convinced whether Bayley’s suspect was justified. I’m also unsure as to whether the role of Daneel was necessary here; although his presence may fulfil an unknown role in the saga. I guess I’ll have to read on.

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