Tuesday 19 March 2024

"Truly great people in History never wanted to be great for themselves. All they wanted was the chance to do good for others and to be close to God."

 -Mohammad Ali.

People want to leave a legacy behind. It feels like they’ve done something good in the world. And I suppose when you’re high up in the ranks you do have to reach high for your inspiration. But it must be for the right reasons. We’ve seen statues of town founders pulled down recently because they earned their fortune in the slave trade. What they thought was right then isn’t right now, but it’s still a part of history. What’s good for one person may not be good for another. Someone might condemn what others perceive to be acts of greatness. And of course, people do misunderstand each other, but sometimes the act comes too late to forgive. There’s also a sense of greed. Everyone wants some fame and recognition, but people often utilise the wrong method to achieve this. There are people who do selfless acts to share happiness, but they’re hard to find these days.

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