Saturday 23 March 2024

Hop to It

Will it be similar to the Santa app? Will I be able to get a countdown of how long it is until the bunny comes out? Will there be songs from Easter land? Maybe there’s a celebrity voicing this character instead of its usual monotone voice. At least it’s got a British cartoonish voice, but that’s just for the introduction. Then there’s a little story with some musical backing, and sound effects, but the voice talks a little fast for people to keep up. You’d need a few more sound effects to keep little ones interested. It goes on for a fair while, but there’s more than one of them. There’s also jokes to listen to. But once you’ve gone through the options, it automatically exits without giving you the chance to explore any more options. I didn’t get the option to play the memory game as advertised. Perhaps that’ll be enabled closer to the season, though I don’t think I’ll bother coming back.

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