Thursday 28 March 2024

Duck Run #wootton 7

Grab enough footage and you could use this as a video game for ducks. Your mission is to swim down the canal towards the river where you can easily obtain food and frolic. Along the way, you can collect bread that people chuck into the canal. Occasionally, they’ll also chuck litter in that you have to avoid. There’ll be locks to fly over, and there’ll be boats to swim under unless you jump high enough or grab a power-up and fly over them. Then they’ll be parts that have been drained for maintenance that you’ll also have to time it right to glide over. Add a few fishermen with lines in the water to avoid so that you don’t get caught up in them, and a narrow stretch of path that forces you onto land to  jump over or dodge pedestrians and cyclists and you’ve got a good game. Add ramps and buoys for good measure.

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