Saturday 2 March 2024

Blind London

I was a bit annoyed with how this turned out. From the  sample book, there’s no indication of a reflection. It was just one big bold image that would be inspirational and encourages me to get out more and explore. It probably wouldn't have the full landscape effect in the book as it would look a lot smaller. I suppose that I should’ve taken it out of the binder and have held it up to the window, but the thought never crossed my mind. I was probably worried that I’d lose the image’s place in the catalogue. The lines of the reflected image are a paler font, which lets more light through. My nieces like it as they’ve visited a lot of the depicted landmarks so they recognise them. I mostly use it at night when it's too dark to see it anyway, or when the sun shines through on a warm day and I'm trapped inside an its pale scroll light background does nothing to block out the light.

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