Friday 29 March 2024

Fast Food

‘Where are we going now?’

‘Don't worry about that. Look at the mess you're making with your food.’

‘Are we going to the park now?’

‘We've got to buy some of the things that we've looked at. And then we're going to see Nanny and Grandad if they’re well. Then we'll all go to the park together.’


‘But only if you’re good. If not, you'll have to go straight home’.

‘Can we have pizza for dinner?’

‘ No, sweetie. We're eating out right now, so I'll be cooking pasta tonight. We're going to watch that film that Auntie Carol bought you for Christmas.’

‘Oh, that's boring.’

‘How do you know, you haven't seen it.’

‘It's for babies.’

‘Well, she thinks you'd like it. She's going to ask you what you thought of it the next time you see her.’

‘But it's for babies.’

‘Well, I'll just have to put these chocolates that she brought with it away for another time.’


‘And after the film we’ll play some games and you can stay up as late as you want.’


‘As long as you're both good and there's no fighting or arguments.’

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