Friday 1 March 2024

Biggles Goes Forth

He likes to be larger than life. He’s a big chap with a round midriff who easily gets out of breath. He likes large meals and has a very round face with a chin and a button nose to match. Above those round cheeks is some short brown hair which has a fringe and a parting which is sometimes spiked at the end. he dresses causally but conservatively. Jeans and shoes are the order of the day. This is followed by a buttoned shirt, often in a flannel or lumberjack style, and a thick overcoat to match whatever the weather. He can be quite loud and bubbly and charming to strangers, but he also has a sense of entitlement and arrogance if he doesn’t get his way. He’s got his own small place and a horse to mind but he can’t seem to hold a relationship down, maybe because he throws his toys out of the pram a bit too often.

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