Thursday 7 March 2024

Library Chat

 ‘Look what I've got on my screen.’

‘Cool, how did you find that? Send me the link. Quick before they see us.’

‘Did you bring the gear?

‘Yeah, but there's a guard walking around watching us, just go on a news site or something till he walks away.

‘OK, how do you log in?’

‘Shit, you need to join man. You'll have to go and speak to them.’

Where's Deano? Shall I ring him?

‘No, you'll have to go outside or they'll be on to you. Look, just go and walk round, man. Find a book or something and bring it back here so it looks like you're legit. Make it  a big one so you've got something to hide behind when we do the switch. Actually, get two. Try the history section so that we can say it's a school project. Let the guard follow you, he'll get bored when he sees you reading books. He might go downstairs then.

‘But what if Dino comes?’

‘You won't miss him. I'll just tell him where you are and he'll wait. I'll text you.’

‘But what do I do if the guard stops me?’

‘He ain't got no rights till he sees that you’ve done something wrong. So you say I ain’t done nothing and walk away.’

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