Saturday 9 March 2024

Bumper Cars #dreamdiary 173

I’ve just driven into the back of someone at a traffic light stop. They were waiting patiently at the lights and I didn’t manage to apply my brakes in time. I hit the little blue fiat fairly hard and it rolls forward a little way. The lights turn green and the hazard lights come on. Then I get out of the car to make sure everyone’s OK. We agree to drive around the corner to exchange details. Usually, you just record the damage and jot down each other’s details, but this guy has a pre-printed form that he wants me to complete. I agree to only supply a written statement alongside my contact and insurance details. I am not entitled to inform him of the reason for my journey. He tells me to go away and write one. I find a nice suburb but I haven’t got anything to lean on with my pen and paper.

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