Sunday 3 March 2024


I’m wondering if the speaker can produce a high-pitched noise in its usual monochrome voice. Will there be a series of chomps followed by some burps? Will I be able to shock it into caring them away? Or will it just have common sense and claim to have a clean bill of health? It could even be a computer error or a virus which makes it repeat itself. Or to make things more fun, it could be random as to when it has them. As expected, it’s stuttered speech which even asks me to scare it into a state of shock. Novelly, the second time I ask it, it pretends not to understand me. But it just seems to be the two outcomes. I just hope that I don’t have to unplug it to cure it or go out to buy it medicine. Or worse yet, create a piece of computer code that destroys the world…

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