Monday 4 March 2024

Party Mix

It’s hard picking out songs for younger children. I had to go with modern pop songs and stuff that I’ve played at home which she knows and likes. I copied stuff from some of my CDs but I might have downloaded and paid for a few things for her too. There were a few Disney songs and some party songs. I’m sure that this was to put onto her iPhone to choose as a ring tone, or listen to while she’s out and about. She’s probably more likely to watch them on YouTube instead of listening to a random mix, though of course you can download a random mix. I sent the suggested playlist to my sister-in-law for approval. I wonder if she can do these things on her own now, or if she’s ever bothered to listen to these tunes? Has she deleted them or transferred them to her new phone and made her own mixes? Only time will tell.

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