Friday 15 March 2024

Can dead family members see us from Heaven?

It’s an interesting concept. It’s probably well documented, and you can quote the bible and philosophical views but no-one knows for sure unless there’s a way to make contact, unless you’re dead and are reading this (in which case, hello!) . It’d be nice to think that someone’s watching over you and is doing their utmost to influence things to make opportunities come your way. It also makes you wonder if you should be on your best behaviour as they may have to report any misdemeanours to a higher power, or are simply shaming them which you may have to answer for later on. It could be a very long list! But from a scientific point of view, there is no afterlife. It’s just something that we hold dear in our hearts as we think of our departed ones, though we might send up prayers and ask them questions occasionally.

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