Monday 11 March 2024

A Packet of Punch

I needed some sort of temporary system to help me keep my receipts in order. Since I was going to have a lot of them while I caught up with everything else, it made sense to sort them until I was ready to deal with them as the mug that I was using to store them in was getting pretty full and it would just make things a bit longer when balance day finally arrives. They are a bit on the flimsy side and it’s easy for receipts to topple out of them when they’re not stored upright. I would have liked to have some labels to write on them, but that’s just using more resources. Perhaps some paperclips would be better once I’ve found a binder to store them all in. It’s all a bit strange that I’ve gone to all this effort to sort something that’s just going to end up in the bin anyway. 

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