Monday 25 March 2024

Getting Stuck #dreamdiary 174

I’m on holiday in a sunny European country. I’ve rented a bike for the day. I’ve found a route that lets me cycle through coastal towns across the hills. I go further and further to see as many places as possible. My plan is to catch the train back but it’s getting a bit late. I’ve got no idea what time they run and my phone battery is getting low. But I don’t want to waste any more time waiting for a train when I could be on the road. I park my bike next to a Ferris wheel while I come up with a plan. I spy a small glass tunnel with a lid labelled train times and I decide to open the hatch and crawl through it. Next thing I know, I’m on a car inside the Ferris wheel! It’s quite a small car and there’s not enough room to stand up. Nevertheless, I get a good view of the trains.

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