Wednesday 6 March 2024

Shipston in Bloom

This isn’t what you’d expect to see on someone’s driveway in a residential street. Perhaps the occupant is an artist and they’re showcasing their work since there’s currently no options to take it to a gallery. The work could be in progress and they simply needed somewhere for it to dry or become weatherproofed. There are all sorts of private businesses here operating out of regular houses. Maybe they’ve organised a trail in the town to encourage people to get out and about in the fresh air. But since I’ve found out that it’s on a private road these theories don’t make sense as it would discourage others from visiting, although perhaps they wouldn’t have minded at the time to create a community spirit. So perhaps the occupants have purchased the work from someone else. Or, or course, they could have simply plucked it themselves from somewhere else since security is so lax at the moment.

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