Saturday 16 March 2024

Power Up!

It’s an old castle in the middle of a field surrounded by woodland, but it still has to be connected to the national grid. I wonder what happens if the power just went down? There’d be no service. You could probably cook something over an open fire but that’s not the plan nor is it per health and safety conditions. But in the meantime, all your chilled food is getting defrosted so it’s best to cook it anyway rather than getting on the phone to order loads of takeaway food.. At least your guests won’t starve. You’ll have to improvise, especially if you can’t cook outside because there’s no light or it’s raining. You’ll have to break one rule to please another by starting a fire somewhere. Then you’ve got to keep everyone warm, dry, sheltered, and entertained. All of which can be done, but not necessarily using the methods that you’d expect.


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