Tuesday 5 March 2024

Through the Curtain #titannabell 19

Back in the hallway, Polonius had arrived to rotate the guards for the next shift. They had orders to rotate every quarter as the clock chimed in the great hall which would be delayed as each guard travelled to their new position. He had noticed some mild trembling but took comfort that other guards would be closer to the source of the commotion and that no-one had raised the alarm, so he regarded them to be unnoteworthy and continued to follow the set protocol. However, when he arrived in the corridor, there was a good deal of masonry on the floor and no sign of any guard for him to relieve. The door was also on the floor and in its place was a curtain. Dare he peek round? Was one of his officers already investigating? It certainly felt a lot warmer on the other side of the wall. ‘Hello?’ he called.

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