Sunday 17 March 2024


It’s billed as an opportunity to reminisce about classic video game characters, but the plot is just too serious. The first twenty minutes of this film isn’t anything to write home about with characters that are too serious and predictable. There’s some teenage douches that takes competition too seriously which leads to unrealistic adulthoods and teased fantasies with few comic moments. There’s rivalry which has to be addressed later in the film for an exchange of co-operation. The action sequences are unnecessarily stretched out and are accompanied by musical montages alongside stereotypical American views. The only moment that made my chuckle was when one of the antagonists mimicked an old granny taking exercises. It was quite novel that they turned Manhattan into a battleground, though you’d think that it being a military operation they’d place some restrictions on civilian movements with the notice given. And you’d think that absolutely anyone could have manned the fourth car. At least that scene finished with a cool stunt, though anyone would think that that was the end of the movie. At least there was an interesting twist towards the end.

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