A bit more thought needs to be put into photos that are taken for presentations, especially when they’re being used for external use. It’s not just a record of a visit that you’ve arrived to hand over a piece of paper in a frame, it’s to entice people to visit the place too. Of course, you could take several shots but you still need to be mindful that other people will see them, and finding the perfect background is essential. Make sure any external items are packed away so that people can see a professional background rather than the belongings that you’ve brought with you on the bus that you’ve quickly dumped to one side and just popped in to get the job done. A bit of editing wouldn’t go amiss either. Do you really need someone’s arm and watch hung into one side? Can you move people or objects to get the best picture? Or how about cropping the picture a bit?
Monday, 31 July 2023
Sunday, 30 July 2023
Final Ascent
Saturday, 29 July 2023
Perfect Patenga
It’s always a risk when you’re trying something new, especially with a new takeaway. Will they understand what you want without having any strange interaction on the phone? Will they follow your instructions successfully and will be able to find your property in a reasonable amount of time? Will it be a good value meal? However, you know you should give it a chance when you hear that some of your friends have frequented it. So I gave it a whirl. I ordered on what might have been a quiet time of the evening but a man soon arrived at the door with a smile on his face who was happy to deliver my food without stopping for a tip. I got what I ordered for a perfect feast. I ordered a bit of pakora which was too much for one person as a starter, followed by a very creamy dhansak. Unfortunately, I haven’t yet had the chance to use them again. It’s either because of repeat habits and persuading others to use their service too!
Friday, 28 July 2023
Locked In
Thursday, 27 July 2023
"Everybody has that point in their life where you hit a crossroads and you've had a bunch of bad days and there's different ways you can deal with it and the way I dealt with it was I just turned completely to music."
-Taylor Swift.
This may seem monodrone teen babble at first aimed at the
self which just goes on and on, but it does have meaning. Sometimes you just
don’t know where to turn, and it’s good to know that this happens to everybody
(though I doubt it but maybe your turn is coming soon). Music can be a good
distraction, but it may only aid you in your direction creatively rather than purposefully
(unless you’ve found a specific track aimed directly at you). Depending on what
you listen to, music can inspire hatred and anger as well as action and
contemplation. It’s all about how you react. You might have earned the right to
turn your back on a few things but others may think that you haven’t got your
priorities in order. You can take things head on but you need to have the right
frame of mind to do it.
Wednesday, 26 July 2023
Down in the Woods
Tuesday, 25 July 2023
Did the Pages accompany the Knights far from home and into battles?
Yes and no. after all, not everyone is the same and everyone has their own set of circumstances. An old page though wise with access to a full armoury of knowledge and tactics, may wish to remain at home with his family and the knight allows this out of good trust and service and may appoint an apprentice in his place. Some apprentices would also be deemed too young to see combat and would be left at home to maintain the premises while the knight was away. Some would even flee at the very idea of having to ace danger. It’s nice to think that a page would be at a knight’s side at all times in battle, but this would mean that the page wouldn’t be part of an essential team’ he’d require skills for his own defence as well as being able to support the knight. In essence, he’d have to exhibit greater skills than the knight himself. In most cases, the page would stay hidden from danger, preferably at the knight’s side, and would only be called to the knight’s side when needed.
Monday, 24 July 2023
Barging Through
Sunday, 23 July 2023
The Best Film of All Time
You’d think that an AI device would choose a film that would contain the greatest merchandise and tie-ins. As well as being able to purchase the film, you’d also order toys and accessories through its channels, giving it greater wealth and purchasing power. It’s difficult to pick such an item so you then might want to look at the soundtrack or the theme tune. But the movie it chose was Back to the Future, which made for the movies with perfect pop culture references from a variety of eras with comic timely moments and scenes that a lot of people can enjoy and identify with, though it’s a bit strange that a loner has a scientist as a best friend. How did that relationship even come about? Perhaps Brown is sworn to secrecy until the time is right. There’s also some hijinks that would get you arrested in today’s society without question. The film might have been family friendly at the time, but it certainly isn’t acceptable now.
Saturday, 22 July 2023
The Last Devil to Die by Richard Osman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
View all my reviews
Friday, 21 July 2023
Tidal Build #Vampress 15
The house began to expand. It seemed to be the draw of the town. People seemed to want to stay ear there as soon as possible. Properties nearby were bought out and turned into businesses on the outskirts and residences closer to the epicentre which were run-down at first then became more glamorous as the centre was reached. Then the houses seemed to join onto each other. All the while this was taking place, a tremor took place underneath the cliffside. Occasionally, this would cause a section of cliff to fall into the sea. Structural reinforcement was quick to follow, often at night immediately after the avalanche. The local church became engulfed by the new structure. The foundations looked to give it a heavy vacuity at first then suddenly it surrounded it, blocking any access to and from the building. Once it had engulfed it, it seemed to build over it until suddenly it was no longer on the landscape.
Thursday, 20 July 2023
Best Foot Forward
Wednesday, 19 July 2023
The Grand Budapest Hotel
This is a very surreal but comical film. I like the idea of it being a story within a story, but I feel that it’s just a screentime extension to the original story rather than adding any value to the plot. There’s a lot of cameo actors who play their part amicably and I love the way that they’re pursued in chases. I would have liked Revolori’s accent to have been a bit more Eurasian as it doesn’t sound authentic enough. It’s a shame that we didn’t witness more character development behind the scenes with the other hotel staff as this would have given Gustav even more influence. His language and opinions express colourfully how he feels about high society, but his departure is a tragedy and it’s only told in a postscript without any real screentime devoted to it. However, I do like the perception that everyone’s influence, no matter how powerful, eventually runs out.
Tuesday, 18 July 2023
Oh Buoy
Monday, 17 July 2023
Runner Beans #dreamdiary 158
I’m in my local Wetherspoons with my friends. Oddly, all the tables are laid out symmetrically today to cater for four people per table. We sit down to order food via the app. The pub fills up very quickly. Even Stanley from the office has a table with his family. The food’s taking quite a long time to come out, and we’re all sitting there looking at each other trying to work out who’s ordered first. Waiters appear but mostly have drinks rather than food. Then our meal arrives. I’ve ordered a traditional Mexican chill with nachos and guacamole on the side. It comes on a silver platter with a pitta bread for dipping. It’s probably the messiest meal there is and I try to make a point of eating with a fork before giving up and just clawing in. As I’m dipping in, I’m realising that I’m the only person in the room who’s gotten their food.
Sunday, 16 July 2023
Silent Waters
Saturday, 15 July 2023
If you needed to hide a lot of money, where is the one place where no-one would find it?
Back during the depression, people would often hide their
cash in their mattress or in a safe which would be hidden behind a painting.
Nowadays this is rare as we end to be more trusting of our banks, and we rely
on them to get a little bit of interest out of our savings. Those of us who are
lucky enough to have savings are more likely to hold them in offshore tax havens
hidden by shell companies. But there’s still an opportunity to keep a pot of
cash completely hidden like treasure. For a while, food tins with a plastic lid
would be a deterrent to intruders. But it’s still probably best to bury it. Unfortunately,
it does take a lot of effort and you’ll probably have to create a map to leave
the exact co-ordinates or use cryptic clues with solutions that only you or
your loved ones will be able to solve.
Friday, 14 July 2023
Must be the reason why I'm King of My Castle
Thursday, 13 July 2023
Blonde Barb
She’s a classic bimbo, complete with dangly earrings and all the trimmings, with short flat hair. Slightly tanned, she doesn’t seem to work hard at anything. She’s not afraid to whack on the lipstick. She typically enjoys bright plain coloured clothes rather than anything branded, then accessorises what’s on show with a bit of bling. She wants to enjoy life but doesn’t necessarily want to share that experience with others unless it’s in the family circle. She likes to make a bit of a show of herself with a red convertible but it’s only put to use around the town. She’s always on the hunt for a bargain, and will choose quantity over quality every time. She refuses to learn anything and always asks others to complete tasks for her. She talks in an annoying but slow clear loud voice which can even be heard when whispering. She’s always managed to see herself kept and looked after.
Wednesday, 12 July 2023
Enjoying the Trip
Tuesday, 11 July 2023
Letby Letdown
It’s a terrible shame that someone that looks so innocent and trusting has been found guilty of murdering seven babies. It’s taken time to get this resolved so that conclusive evidence can be gathered and not lead any mishap to account. Of course the individual should face the full extent of the law. But the shocking thing about it is how the system has allowed this former nurse to continue practising after not one but seven incidents. Where’s the accountability? It just looks as if no-one cares, especially Letby who managed to avoid being present during her sentencing. It’s as close to a public shaming session that our courts will allow, and now we’ll have to hope other criminals do it for us. Of course, for her safety, there’s always the option of changing her name once she’s admitted, but she may still be recognisable. And it’s incidents like this that force people to be more protective as they place less trust in institutions.
Monday, 10 July 2023
The Long Game
Sunday, 9 July 2023
Indoor Snow
If you can’t have a white Christmas then what’s the next best thing? A plastic tub full of giant white cotton balls that you can use as snowballs! As well as making a great effect when entering a room, they’re of course great fun to throw at people with very little risk of getting hurt. It might be a bit different for any surrounding objects though. Structurally, they’re quite pleasing. They’re compact and don’t have any signs of fraying, and they’re satisfying to squeeze, just like a stress ball. There’s a small bit of weight to make e them heavy enough to soar through the air. And when the light shines on them, there’s a small shine as if they’re depicting real tiny ice crystals. You’re probably not going to find them all once your guests have gone home until about six months afterwards though, and that’s only if your guests are honest.
Saturday, 8 July 2023
The Proof is in the Bag
Friday, 7 July 2023
"Determine never to be Idle. No person will have occasion to complain of the want of time, who never loses any. It is wonderful how much may be done, if we are always doing."
-Thomas Jefferson.
It’s nice to be idle, but it feels that you’re wasting an
opportunity to get a task complete. Sometimes we’re forced into this situation
at the expense of others, though with a smartphone you can always download
something to aid you, though it might be slightly distracting you from what you
should be accomplishing. You’ve just got to remember to keep the device with
you, and be sure that you’ve got enough power to accomplish the tasks that you
need. Sometimes you’ll want less time so that you can move onto the next task
as there’s nothing to occupy you and you’re unable to move on. At other times
you’ll find that you just don’t want your current occupancy to end, but needs
must require to move on otherwise you’ll feel guilty of your other obligations.
If you can find a balance between the two then you won’t be far off from
achieving your goals.
Thursday, 6 July 2023
Desi Pubs: A Guide to British-Indian Pubs, Food & Culture by David Jesudason

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
View all my reviews
Wednesday, 5 July 2023
What if a young girl didn't want to get married or become a Nun in the Middle Ages?
In short, they’d be forced to work. A maid would be the most common job unless they’d managed to learn a craft skill such as cookery, sewing or basket-weaving. Even then, they’d be under the guidance of an employer. Women’s rights weren’t great so they would have been tied to a master or mistress which wouldn’t earn them much as they’d have to pay for their board as well. Their freedom would be reduced as they wouldn’t be able to have a dominating decision unless they had their own financial independence. Parents would try to steer them into marrying to create a better future for the family. Some would even abandon or disown them if they refused to work for their upkeep. Marriages could even be forced by arrangement. I f they didn’t agree they’d simply be shown the door to the outside world and wouldn’t be welcomed back and left to lead a life of beggary or prostitution.
Tuesday, 4 July 2023
Green green grass
So what exactly is a sward? Apparently it’s an area of short
grass which makes sense when you visit the place as there’s a few patches
around in between lampposts and alongside the long stretches of the side of
houses in between the junctions. But what other colours of grass are there? You
might expect yellow or grey in the summer if there’s a drought, and the council
might have undergone a special pledge to keep the grass green here all year
round for its namesake (which is handy in the event of snow). But other colours
would be something out of a science-fiction scene, though it would certainly be
a crowd-puller if you’re trying to attract visitors to the area to sell houses.
There’s even little alcoves to hidden houses. At the end the road backs onto a
school which is a big turn-off for homebuyers unless it’s something you’re
willing to reside there for.
Monday, 3 July 2023
Make it Longer
Visions of inanimate objects flying around the room will be ill-conceived. For starters, the device can’t see what you’re pointing at or even if you’re holding a wand. You’ll look stupid. Instead, a prank is played by telling you in a child-like voice that you’re not saying it right, and you need to make the phrase longer. There’s a theory that if you’re stubborn enough, you could get into a very long argument. Eventually, you’ll be sitting there holding a note for as long as physically possible until you get bored, run out of breath, or dehydrate. But the device just gets bored of your attempt and just cuts you off so you don’t even get close to attempting it. Rude. I suppose you could make your ‘aah’ longer in other ways. It's worth playing around with some of the other spells, although the American accent doesn’t justify the fun.
Sunday, 2 July 2023
The Engine Room
Tucked away next to the house is a beautifully preserved red
brick building which formally used to house the canal’s pump room for the lock.
It’s odd that the canal is still in use but the reservoir is no longer required
to top up the lock. Perhaps it’s because the tunnel is now complete. It’s got
beautiful decking and picnic benches in its grounds, and at one time I’m sure
there was a little café there that used to sell refreshments to passers-by.
Perhaps this was when it was owned by a company. It’s now sealed off to
everyone by becoming private housing. The only thing that remains to remind
people of its history is a formal plaque on the towpath. Making these buildings
into residences may make someone some money, but it also seals off the premises
for everyone else to enjoy. With a bit more entrepreneurial spirit, it might
have been possible to have made the whole
area into an attraction.
Saturday, 1 July 2023
Tent Vent #dream diary 157
I’m at a local music festival with a friend. It’s in the woods and there’s camping for attendees, even though I’m only a fifteen-minute walk away. My friend insists on separate tents but he’s also arriving late on the first day, so I go ahead and pitch both tents. I decide to give him the best one and if there’s any major problems with my old one I’m only a short walk home. Because of the last-minute booking, we can’t get tents next to each other. At the last minute, my friend cancels. The festival itself goes very well, and on Sunday morning there’s cars absolutely everywhere as people start to cart their gear away. I strike down my tent, but I can’t locate my best one. Someone must have worked out that the tent was occupied and has decided to cart it away. They’ve taken the tent but left the pegs in. Then as I walk through the local estate I find evidence of more bits of it scattered around.