Sunday 16 July 2023

Silent Waters

Normally, this lake would be full of hustle and bustle. Today, it’s deathly silent, perfect for the ducks to venture as far as they like without fear of being reprimanded. Not even a plane is rumbling across the sky, giving them the freedom to fly where they like without having to hide from a noisy object that’s much smaller than it sounds. It’s as if nature is gaining confidence against mankind. How big will they get? Will they have the guts to attack when cars start flowing again and people resume attempting to man the landscape? Will they occupy the roads forcing drivers to come to a halt to find an alternative route away from their homeland? I wonder if anything lurking beneath the lake has decided to make an early rise. A fisherman’s even jumped the fence to gain access to the jetty for prime position, and there’s no-one to stop him since it’s not an essential position. Or maybe he’s there to keep the wildlife subdued. 

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