Wednesday 19 July 2023

The Grand Budapest Hotel

This is a very surreal but comical film. I like the idea of it being a story within a story, but I feel that it’s just a screentime extension to the original story rather than adding any value to the plot. There’s a lot of cameo actors who play their part amicably and I love the way that they’re pursued in chases. I would have liked Revolori’s accent to have been a bit more Eurasian as it doesn’t sound authentic enough. It’s a shame that we didn’t witness more character development behind the scenes with the other hotel staff as this would have given Gustav even more influence. His language and opinions express colourfully how he feels about high society, but his departure is a tragedy and it’s only told in a postscript without any real screentime devoted to it. However, I do like the perception that everyone’s influence, no matter how powerful, eventually runs out.

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