Tuesday 18 July 2023

Oh Buoy

It’s hard enough trying to pronounce what it is.  I’ve always said it with the U as that’s how it’s spelt. I’m told it’s wrong but being a landlubber who lives away from the ocean doesn’t give me many opportunities to discuss the need for a locked heavy-duty plastic ball which bobs up and down in the water as a reference point to some kind of zonal barrier. I wouldn’t know what the different colours are for either. There may be a key explained on a metallic sign back on land or an international code agreed, but it’s not in my knowledge and it doesn’t feel necessary for me to know either. The water could be extra deep or it could be signifying a rising bank. It could be an area to avoid or merely a point where I should turn around to record an estimated distance. It could even be adjustable depending on the circumstances. All I know is that it is there.

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