Saturday 15 July 2023

If you needed to hide a lot of money, where is the one place where no-one would find it?

Back during the depression, people would often hide their cash in their mattress or in a safe which would be hidden behind a painting. Nowadays this is rare as we end to be more trusting of our banks, and we rely on them to get a little bit of interest out of our savings. Those of us who are lucky enough to have savings are more likely to hold them in offshore tax havens hidden by shell companies. But there’s still an opportunity to keep a pot of cash completely hidden like treasure. For a while, food tins with a plastic lid would be a deterrent to intruders. But it’s still probably best to bury it. Unfortunately, it does take a lot of effort and you’ll probably have to create a map to leave the exact co-ordinates or use cryptic clues with solutions that only you or your loved ones will be able to solve.  

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