Monday 31 July 2023

Picture Perfect

A bit more thought needs to be put into photos that are taken for presentations, especially when they’re being used for external use. It’s not just a record of a visit that you’ve arrived to hand over a piece of paper in a frame, it’s to entice people to visit the place too. Of course, you could take several shots but you still need to be mindful that other people will see them, and finding the perfect background is essential. Make sure any external items are packed away so that people can see a professional background rather than the belongings that you’ve brought with you on the bus that you’ve quickly dumped to one side and just popped in to get the job done. A bit of editing wouldn’t go amiss either. Do you really need someone’s arm and watch hung into one side? Can you move people or objects to get the best picture? Or how about cropping the picture a bit?

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