Tuesday 1 August 2023

Your mission, should you choose to accept it...

I don’t know what the draw is with me and canals. Maybe it’s the tranquil mixture of urban life mixed with natural surroundings and tamed waters. But I’d like to explore them. I’ve got an ambition to walk my local one, though it’s about twenty miles end to end and not all of it is walkable owing to some tunnels but I can usually find a footpath that heads in the general direction of the towpath. I’ve managed to do the northern half in various stages where I’ve walked circular routes combining both footpaths and towpaths. Often I’ve managed to make the walk linear by using public transport. I’m tempted to do the last stretch in one go. I’ll have to heck the nearby pubs. There still might yet be a chance to find a circular route. Then I’ve got to find someone who’s crazy enough to attempt the journey with me.


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